SAMKHYA (सांख्य)



Samkhya (सांख्य), also referred to as Sankhya, Sāṃkhya, or Sāṅkhya, is a Sanskrit word that, depending on the context, means "to reckon, count, enumerate, calculate, deliberate, reason, reasoning by numeric enumeration, relating to number, rational.[1]"

"SAMKHYA - High Performance Computing (HPC) Facility at IOP is a 222 TeraFLOPS hybrid environment which consists of CPU, NVIDIA Tesla GPU, Intel Xeon-Phi, QDR Infiniband interconnect and 7.5 TB of memory.

Samkhya has been featured in Top Supercomputers-India list since January 2018.
Link: January 2018 report

System overview:-

  • 1440 Intel Haswell Processors
  • 7.5 TB Memory
  • 40 NVIDIA Tesla K80 cards
  • 40 Intel Xeon Phi 7120P
  • 50 TB of Object Storage
  • Infiniband QDR Interconnect

[1] Wikipedia

Accessing the Facility

Users should use a SSH client or putty to log in to our machines. Unencrypted methods such as telnet, rlogin, and XDM are NOT allowed for accessing our machines. Any SSH client will typically require the user to supply the name or IP address of the machine to which access is sought, as well as a username and a password, before granting access. The interface may differ from platform to platform (PC based clients typically have GUIs while Unix based clients may not).

You should also get into the habit of using secure copy (SCP -- a companion program often bundled with ssh) instead of the traditional ftp utility to transfer files. SCP is more flexible than ftp in that it allows you to transfer directories from one machine to another in addition to just files. There are SCP graphical user interfaces for Windows and for Macs.

If you wish to run programs with graphical interfaces on one of our machines and have it display on your workstation, you will need to have a X11 server or X11 server emulator running on your workstation.

Instructions for using SSH with our systems are listed below for each operating system:


Windows Users:
  1. 1. Please install SSH client or putty.
  2. 2. Click on the SSH secure shell client icon.
  3. 3. Please click the Quick Connect Button.
  4. 4. Please enter the following details: Hostname:
  5. 5. Username: [your user account]. Click on connect, it will prompt for password, and then enter your respective password.

Linux Users:
  1. 1. Open the Terminal, and type ssh [your account name]
  2. 2. It will prompt for password, enter your respective password.
  3. 3. After successful login, You are on to your home directory.

Getting an Account

Kindly fill up the form available here to get an account.

Nodes Information

Head (Master) Node

It is head node used for login and job submission purpose, this node should not be used for job Execution purpose. Our HPC facility consist two master node for high availability.

To get IP Address/ Hostname to Samkhya HPC, please contact HPC Support.

Compute (Slave) Node

HPC facility consist 60 compute nodes, is a hybrid environment containing CPU, Nvidia GPU and Xeon Phi.

Sl. No. Nodes Type Cores/ Nodes
1. node1-node20 CPU Only 480 Cores (24 Core/Node)
2. node21-node40 Nvidia GPU and CPU 480 Cores (24 Core/Node)
40 Cards (2 Per Node)
3. node41-node60 Intel Xeon Phi and CPU 480 Cores (24 Core/Node)
40 Cards (2 Per Node)
Total 1440 CPU Cores
40 Nvidia Cards
40 Xeon Phi Cards


Application name and version Directory
Cython 0.26/data/software/cython/bin
Fftw 3.3.7/data/software/fftw337/bin
Available versions: 4.8.5, 6.2, 7.2
Gcc 4.8.5 { default } - /data/software/gcc485/bin
module load gcc62 - /data/software/gcc62/bin
module load gcc72 - /data/software/gcc72/bin
Globes 3.2.16 /data/software/globes3216/bin
module load globes3216
Grace 5.1.25/data/software/grace5125/grace/bin
Gsl 1.15/data/software/gsl115/bin
Lapack 3.7.1 /data/software/lapack-3.7.1/liblapack.a
Lhapdf 5.9.1/data/software/lhapdf-5.9.1/bin
Squid -master/data/software/squids/lib
Ocaml 4.05.0/data/software/ocaml/bin
Pgi 18.4/data/software/pgi/linux86-64/18.4/bin
Pvm 3.4.5/data/software/pvm/pvm3/bin
Pythia 8180/data/software/pythia/bin
Vasp 5.3/data/software/vasp
Vmd 1.9.3/data/software/vmd-1.9.3/bin
Gnuplot 5.0.1/data/software/gnuplot501/bin
Mathematica_11.2module load mathematica_11.2
Mathematica_11.3module load mathematica_11.3
Matlab v8.1.0.604/data/software/Matlab8/bin


  • 1 Gbps LAN connectivity
  • QDR 40 Gbps Infiniband Interconnect

Job Scheduler

The job can be submitted to compute nodes through resource manager called Torque and job scheduler is PBS.

Scheduler commands:

Command Use and Output Remarks
qsub <submission_script> Job submission with Job ID This command will throw Job ID
qstat Status of jobs Option “-f” for full display
pbsnodes -a Show status of all compute nodes
pbsnodes -ln Show down nodes
qstat -B Show Queue status and jobs


Storage space of 500 GB per user is available to each user with total storage capacity of 50 TB.

There is no data backup mechanism as of now, users are advised to take backup of their important files in storage other than HPC facility.

Submitting Jobs to the Cluster using the scheduler

[A] For Jobs Using only CPUS

Sample serial job script

#PBS -o $PBS_JOBID.out
#PBS -e $PBS_JOBID.err
#PBS -q small
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
icc/gcc input_file

Save the file as script.cmd, keep your input file and this script file in the same directory and do “qsub script.cmd” Every time you submit a new job kindly use a new directory, do not submit multiple jobs from the same directory.

[B]Sample job script (Openmp jobs/single node jobs)

#PBS -o $PBS_JOBID.out
#PBS -e $PBS_JOBID.err
#PBS -q small
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24
mpicc input_file
mpirun –np 24 –machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE ./a.out

Save the file as script.cmd, keep your input file and this script file in the same directory and do “qsub script.cmd” Every time you submit a new job kindly use a new directory, do not submit multiple jobs from the same directory.

[C]Sample job script (Parallel jobs/multi node jobs)

#PBS -o $PBS_JOBID.out
#PBS -e $PBS_JOBID.err
#PBS -q medium
#PBS -l nodes=4:ppn=24
mpicc input_file
mpirun –np 96 –machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE ./a.out

Save the file as script.cmd, keep your input file and this script file in the same directory and do “qsub script.cmd” Every time you submit a new job kindly use a new directory, do not submit multiple jobs from the same directory.

[D]For Jobs Using only GPUS

Sample job script (GPU based jobs)

#PBS -o $PBS_JOBID.out
#PBS -e $PBS_JOBID.err
#PBS -q gpu
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2:gpu
nvcc input_file

Save the file as script.cmd, keep your input file and this script file in the same directory and do “qsub script.cmd” Every time you submit a new job kindly use a new directory, do not submit multiple jobs from the same directory.

[E]To submit Jobs to the phi nodes

#PBS -o $PBS_JOBID.out
#PBS -e $PBS_JOBID.err
#PBS -q phi
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2:phi
icc input_file

Save the file as script.cmd, keep your input file and this script file in the same directory and do “qsub script.cmd” Every time you submit a new job kindly use a new directory, do not submit multiple jobs from the same directory.

Changing a password

To change your password, Once you are logged in to the cluster, type the command passwd and respond to the prompts by entering your old password and your new password. Please remember that this will change your password.


  • Step-1:- User login it this process;
        ssh -X account_name@
        And after that give password.
  • Step-2:- [user@konark ~] $ module load gcc72 {because gcc7.2 version is compatible}
  • Step-3:- [user@konark ~] $ root -l
        {Run the command}
  • Step-1:- User login it this process;
        ssh -X account_name@
        And after that give password.
  • Step-2:- [user@konark ~] $ matlab
        {Run the command}
  • Step-1:- User login it this process;
        ssh -X account_name@
        And after that give password.
  • Step-2:- [user@konark ~] $ module load mathematica_11.2
  • Step-2:- [user@konark ~] $ mathematica
        {Run the command}


1. "Cross-linker mediated compaction and local morphologies in a model chromosome", Amit Kumar and Debasish Chaudhuri, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2019)

2. "Re-entrant phase separation in nematically aligning active polar particles", Biplab Bhattacherjee and Debasish Chaudhuri, Soft Matter (2019)

3. "Dipole–dipole interaction induced phases in hydrogen-bonded squaric acid crystal", Vikas Vijigiri and Saptarshi Mandal

4. "Zeros of partition function for continuous phase transitions using cumulants". D. Majumdar and S. M. Bhattacharjee. Physica A

5. "Active Brownian particles: mapping to equilibrium polymers and exact computation of moments" Shee, A., Dhar, A. & Chaudhuri, D. Soft Matter 16, 4776–4787 (2020)

6. "Confinement and crowding control the morphology and dynamics of a model bacterial chromosome". Swain, P., Mulder, B. M. & Chaudhuri, D. Soft Matter 15, 2677–2687 (2019).

7. "Impact of crowders on the morphology of bacterial chromosome". Kumar, A., Swain, P., Mulder, B. M. & Chaudhuri, D. EPL (Europhysics Lett. 128, 68003 (2019).

8. "Higher order topological insulator via periodic driving” Arnob Kumar Ghosh, Ganesh C. Paul, and Arijit Saha.

9. "Enhancing sensitivity to non-standard neutrino interactions at INO combining muon and hadron information” Amina Khatun, Sabya Sachi Chatterjee, Tarak Thakore & Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla

10. "Floquet generation of a second-order topological superconductor" (Phys. Rev. B 103, 045424) by Arnob Kumar Ghosh,Tanay Nag and Arijit Saha

11.  "Probing the Type-II Seesaw Mechanism through the Production of Higgs Bosons at a Lepton Collider" Pankaj Agrawal, Manimala Mitra, Saurabh Niyogi, Sujay Shil, and Michael Spannowsky (Phys. Rev.D98(2018)no. 1,015024)

12.  "Fat Jet Signature of a Heavy Neutrino at Lepton Collider" Sabyasachi Chakraborty, Manimala Mitra, and Sujay Shil (Phys. Rev. D100 (2019) no.1, 015012)

13.  "Same-Sign Tetralepton Signature at Large Hadron Collider, and future pp Collider" Eung Jin Chun, Sarif Khan, Sanjoy Mandal, Manimala Mitra, and Sujay Shil (Phys. Rev. D101 (2020) no.7, 075008)

14.  "Automated predictions from polarized matrix elements" Diogo Buarque Franzosi, Olivier Mattelaer, Richard Ruiz, and Sujay Shil (JHEP 2004(2020) 082 )

15.  "Asymmetric Dark Matter From Triplet Scalar Leptogenesis" Nimmala Narendra, Narendra Sahu, Narendra Sahu, and Sujay Shil

16. " Synthesis And Properties of lead-free formamidinium bismuth bromide perovskites by Manav R. Kar, Mihir R. Sahoo, Saroj K. Nayak and Saiakt Bhaumik (journal of Material Today chemistry) "

17.  "Microscopic study of structure of light- and medium-mass even-even cadmium isotopes" by Shivali Sharma, Rani Devi, and S. K. Khosa

18.  "Minimal and nonminimal universal extra dimension models in the light of LHC data at 13 TeV" by Avnish, Kirtiman Ghosh, Tapoja Jha and Saurabh Niyogi

19.  "Relativistic freeze-in with scalar dark matter in a gauged B − L model and electroweak symmetry breaking" by Priyotosh Bandyopadhyay, Manimala Mitra and Abhishek Roy

20.  "Validating the Earth's Core using Atmosperic Neutriones with ICAL at INO" by Anil Kumar and Sanjib Kumar Agrawalla

21.  "Floquet second order topological superconductor based on unconventional pairing" by Arnob Kumar Ghosh, Tanay Nag, and Arijit Saha (Phys. Rev. B 103, 085413 (2021))

22.  "Hierarchy of higher-order topological superconductors in three dimensions" by Arnob Kumar Ghosh, Tanay Nag, and Arijit Saha (Phys. Rev. B 104, 134508 (2021))

23.  " Type-III see-saw: Search for triplet fermions in final states with multiple leptons and fat-jets at 13 TeV LHC" by Saiyad Ashanujjaman, Kirtiman Ghosh (Physics Letters B)

24.  "Revisiting type-II see-saw: present limits and future prospects at LHC" by Saiyad Ashanujjaman and Kirtiman Ghosh (JHEP 03)

25.  "Exploring the Violation of Lorentz Invariance using Atmospheric Neutrinos at INO-ICAL" by Sadashiv Sahoo, Anil Kumar and Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla

26.  "Probing Lorentz Invariance Violation with atmospheric neutrinos at INO-ICAL" by Sadashiv Sahoo, Anil Kumar and Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla

27.  "Systematic generation of the cascade of anomalous dynamical first- and higher-order modes in Floquet topological insulators" by Arnob Kumar Ghosh, Tanay Nag and Arijit Saha

28.  "Dynamical construction of quadrupolar and octupolar topological superconductors" by Arnob Kumar Ghosh, Tanay Nag and Arijit Saha

29.  "A close look on 2-3 mixing angle with DUNE in light of current neutrino oscillation data" by Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, Ritam Kundu, Suprabh Prakash and Masoom Singh

30.  "Search for exotic leptons in final states with two or three leptons and fat-jets at 13 TeV LHC" by Saiyad Ashanujjaman, Debajyoti Choudhuryc and Kirtiman Ghosh

31 .  "Model-independent constraints on non-unitary neutrino mixing from high-precision long-baseline experiments" by Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, Sudipta Das, Alessio Giarnettie, and Davide Melonie

32 .  "Functional Pyromellitic Diimide as a Corrosion Inhibitor for Galvanized Steel: An Atomic-Scale Engineering" by Anoop Kumar Kushwaha, Mihir Ranjan Sahoo, Mausumi Ray, Debashish Das, Suryakanta Nayak, Apurba Maity, Kuntal Sarkar, Amar Nath Bhagat, Atanu Ranjan Pal, Tapan Kumar Rout, and Saroj Kumar Nayak

33 .  "Non-Hermitian higher-order topological superconductors in two dimensions: Statics and dynamics" DOI: by Arnob Kumar Ghosh and Tanay Nag

34 .  "DNA Melting in Poor Solvent" DOI: by Debjyoti Majumdar

35 .  "Secluded dark matter in gauged B − L model" DOI: by Priyotosh Bandyopadhyay, Manimala Mitra, Rojalin Padhan, Abhishek Roy and and Michael Spannowsky

36 .  "WIMP and FIMP dark matter in singlet-triplet fermionic model" DOI: by Geneviève Bélanger, Sandhya Choubey, Rohini M. Godbole, Sarif Khan, Manimala Mitra, and Abhishek Roy

37 .  "Time evolution of Majorana corner modes in a Floquet second-order topological superconductor" DOI: by Arnob Kumar Ghosh, Tanay Nag and Arijit Saha

38 .  "Topological characterization and stability of Floquet Majorana modes in Rashba nanowires" DOI: by Debashish Mondal, Arnob Kumar Ghosh, Tanay Nag and Arijit Saha

39 .  "Large enhancement of thermal conductivity of aluminum-reduced graphene oxide composites prepared" by a single-step method by Arijit Mitra, Mihir Ranjan Sahoo, Aiswarya Samal, Sunil Kumar Pradhan, Balaram Polai, Krishna Rani Sahoo, Subrat Kar, Bijoy Kumar Satpathy, Tharangattu N. Narayanan, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Parlapalli V. Satyam, Saroj K. Nayak Oxford Open Materials Science, 2023, 3(1), itac015

40 .  "Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Copper-Graphene 2 Heterosystem: An Effect of Strain and Thickness" by Aiswarya Samal, Anoop Kumar Kushwaha, Debashish Das, Mihir Ranjan Sahoo, Nicholas A. Lanzillo, and Saroj Kumar Nayak

41 .  "Dipole alignment of water molecules flowing through a carbon nanotube" DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.107.165402 by Hemant Kumar, Saheb Bera, Subhadeep Dasgupta,A. K. Sood, Chandan Dasgupta, and Prabal K. Maiti

42 .  "Adsorption of Melting Deoxyribonucleic Acid" DOI: by Debjyoti Majumdar

43 .  "Softening of DNA near melting as disappearance of an emergent property" DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.102.032407 by Debjyoti Majumdar and Somendra M. Bhattacharjee

44 .  "Elasticity of a DNA chain dotted with bubbles under force" DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.103.052412 by by Debjyoti Majumdar

45 .  "Local hybridized states of adsorbed atomic Sn on WS2 substrate" DOI : by Manu Mohan, Vipin Kumar Singh, Reshmi S., Mihir Ranjan Sahoo, Sudipta Roy Barman, Kuntala Bhattacharjee

46 .  "In-situ STS studies and first principles calculations on bare and Sn adsorbed UHV exfoliated WS2 layers" doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1221/1/012046 by Manu Mohan, Vipin Kumar Singh ,Mihir Ranjan Sahoo, Reshmi S , Sudipta Roy Barman and Kuntala Bhattacharjee

47 .  "Probing dark matter inside Earth using atmospheric neutrino oscillations at INO-ICAL" DOI: by Anuj Kumar Upadhyay, Anil Kumar, Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, and Amol Dighe

48 .  "Locating the core-mantle boundary using oscillations of atmospheric neutrinos" DOI: by Anuj Kumar Upadhyay, Anil Kumar, Sanjib Kumar Agarwallab, and Amol Dighe

49 .  "Constraining Lorentz invariance violation with next-generation long-baseline experiments" DOI: by Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, Sudipta Das, Sadashiv Sahoo & Pragyanprasu Swain

50 .  "Enhancing sensitivity to leptonic CP violation using complementarity among DUNE, T2HK, and T2HKK" DOI: by Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, Sudipta Das, Alessio Giarnetti, Davide Meloni & Masoom Singh

51 .  "Flavor-dependent long-range neutrino interactions in DUNE & T2HK: alone they constrain, together they discover" DOI: by Masoom Singh, Mauricio Bustamante & Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla

52 .  "Low-mass doubly charged Higgs bosons at the LHC" DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.107.015018 by Saiyad Ashanujjaman, Kirtiman Ghosh, and Rameswar Sahu

53 .  "Probing compressed mass spectra in the type-II seesaw model at the LHC" DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.107.115026 by Saiyad Ashanujjaman and Siddharth P. Maharathy

54 .  "Generation of higher-order topological insulators using periodic driving" DOI: by Arnob Kumar Ghosh, Tanay Nag, and Arijit Saha

55 .  "Engineering anomalous Floquet Majorana modes and their time evolution in a helical Shiba chain" DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.L081403 by Debashish Mondal, Arnob Kumar Ghosh, Tanay Nag, and Arijit Saha

56 .  "Proceeding Paper Neutrino Oscillations in the Earth: A Unique Tool to Probe Dark Matter Inside the Core" DOI: by Anuj Kumar Upadhyay, Anil Kumar, Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, and Amol Dighe

57 .  "Higher order dynamical charge fluctuations in heavy-ion collisions" arXiv:2312.03484v1 [nucl-th] by Bhanu Sharma and P. K. Sahu

58 .  Fabai Wu, Pinaki Swain,… Debasish Chaudhuri, Bela Mulder, Cess Dekker (2019). Cell Boundary Confinement Sets the Size and Position of the E. coli Chromosome. Current Biology, 29(13), 21312144.e4.

59 .  Amir Shee, Nisha Gupta, Abhishek Chaudhuri, & Debasish Chaudhuri (2021). A semiflexible polymer in a gliding assay: reentrant transition, role of turnover and activity. Soft Matter, 17(8), 2120–2131.

60 .  Amir Shee, & Debasish Chaudhuri (2022). Self-propulsion with speed and orientation fluctuation: Exact computation of moments and dynamical bistabilities in displacement. Physical Review E, 105(5), 054148.

61 .  Amir Shee, & Debasish Chaudhuri (2022). Active Brownian motion with speed fluctuations in arbitrary dimensions: exact calculation of moments and dynamical crossovers. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2022(1), 013201.

62 .  Chitrak Karan, & Debasish Chaudhuri (2023). Cooperation and competition in the collective drive by motor proteins: mean active force, fluctuations, and self-load. Soft Matter, 19(9), 1834–1843.

63 .  Shubhendu Shekhar Khali, Fernando Peruani, & Debasish Chaudhuri (2024). When an active bath behaves as an equilibrium one. Physical Review E, 109(2), 024120.

64 .  "A plethora of long-range neutrino interactions probed by DUNE and T2HK " arXiv:2404.02775 by Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla, Mauricio Bustamante, Masoom Singh, and Pragyanprasu Swain